Here is Saruja, Tim,Evelyn and my video. It tells you about maths being important at school. I think maths is very important at school because when we all get older we need to know our maths. In the video it tells you the reasons we think why maths is important in schools.
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Does Problem Solving Only Happen In Maths - Tiare
Here is my Paragraphs about Problem Solving and my comment that Halatoa had wrote. It tells you that Problem Solving is not only in maths it can be everywhere you go, you might see people trying to figure out a maths problem or trying to figure out how much money she/he needs to get that amount of money. Sometimes people don't even bother to get the money ready they just wait until the shopkeeper tells them the price then they find the money, I think it is a waste of time because if your in a rush you might just want to get the money ready so that you don't waste you time trying to find it. I say no because problem solving is all over the world people do it everyday but you don't know the time they do it.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Choosing A New Flag DLO - Tiare
Here is Evelyn, Tim, June and my groups DLO about choosing a New Flag. We had to do something called 4-3-2-1. Which is finding out information about the flag we chose and just find fast facts about it for 4 minutes. After that for 3 minutes we share that with a buddy. My buddy was Tim and once we shared our information with each other we had to find another group of 2 so that we had four people in our group to share with. I must say the pair that had just spoke had a very high quality and very powerful speech it was just amazing how they said it. Then we had to make a DLO about the flag we agreed on and it was the Silver Fern Red, White and Blue. This is our DLO.
Friday, 30 October 2015
D.A.R.E DLO Cigarettes - Tiare and Saruja
Here is Me and Tiare's DARE DLO. It tells you about cigarettes and what cigarettes are made of. As you can see cigarettes are made of very bad chemicals in it. This is one of our tasks for a program that Mrs Anderson and Millward has been running. Hope you will learn some things from this DLO.
Argentina - Zeba, Tim, Saruja and Tiare
Part of our reading we were doing activities about RWC. I worked with Zeba and Tim. We create a DLO about Argentina rugby players and some information. We had added the players of Argentina and their names. Hope you will learn something from this DLO.
Google Presentation,
Tim and Zeba
Friday, 23 October 2015
Maths Solving Problem - By Tiare
What I did to solve this problem?
I added 100 and 2 and that equaled 102
Then I added 102 and 2000 and that equaled 2102
The answer: 2102
Here is my Math solving Thinking. It tells you about how I solved it and what the answer was to this question.
Maths Solving Thinking - By Tiare
What I did to solve this problem?
I divided 18 and 3 which equaled 6
Then I times 6 and 2 and that equaled 12
The Answer :12
Halatoa ate 12 pancakes and Sebastian ate 3
Here is my Maths Problem Solving Thinking. It tells you what I did to solve this problem and how many pancakes Halatoa ate.
Maths Solving - By Tiare
Here is my DLO that I created. It tells you about how I solved it and how many more pages she read to get to 6003.
The Five W's - By Tiare
Here is my Homework Presentation about the Five W's. It tells you information about What?, Why?, Which?, Where? and When?.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Music - Tiare
Today Room 5 did music. What we did was we all got handed out different kinds of instruments but played the same song. The song that we played was When the saint goes marching in. It was so fun because everyone got involved but it was just hard to play the same beat at the same time because some people were going to fast and some people were going to slow but everyone still enjoyed it.
Basketball Practise - Tiare
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
7x Tables - June and Tiare
Here is me and my partner June's DLO poster about the 7x tables. It tells you about Repeated Addition, Factors and Product, Array, and Skip counting.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Careers Popplet - Nesi and Tiare
Here is my popplet that me and my partner Nesi. This popplet has lots of different kinds of
doctors such as paramedic's, orthodontists and nurses.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Ukulele Practice - By Tiare
Here is a photo of me and Saruja doing ukulele practice. We did this on Wednesday with Mrs Anderson. Fine, Yvette, June and Tim were teaching us how to play islands.
Shake Out Earthquake Drill - By Tiare and Juanita
Here is me and my partner Juanita's presentation. It tells you information about What we did, What we experienced and Why it is important.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Story Swap - Tiare and Courtney
Surrounded by the dark green trees was an old abandoned house on top of the hills. It looked as if nobody came and cleaned it for many years. I can still hear the rumours about the abandoned house ringing in my ears. As I was staring at the abandoned house I felt like walking towards it. Each step I took up the stairs leading to the house kept creaking under my foot . So when I walked into the house I found a dark staircase heading towards some rooms. I walked up the stairs scared about what might be up there.
When I got upstairs I would see all these doors with no door knobs on them. Some were chipped, some had no paint left on them and one room didn't even have a door. I walked into the first room in front of me and I stared at it for a moment it looked as if dolls were lying all of the bed and there was. I stared at the dolls waiting for something to happen. All of a sudden I heard a loud bang! coming from the closet behind me. I quickly looked over my shoulder but nothing or no one was there.
Once I looked in the closet there was this big doll that I found staring at me in a mysterious way my heart started beating rapidly because I felt unsafe and scared. Once I finished looking at the doll I ran out of the house and went home but when I ran outside it wasn't the same feeling as I felt when I was inside the house for all of a sudden for an unknown reason my body just shut down, by time I woke up it felt like I was sleeping for days, months or even years.
Here is a Story Swap Recount that me and my partner Courtney did. We had to write a recount but we would each get a turn at writing a sentence each. We had to write about an abandoned house that left on the hills.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Multiplication Challenge - Tiare and Afu
Here is a photo of me and my partner Afu. We practising our times tables and measurements. What we were doing was a grid challenge. First of you get a piece of grid paper that has a line in the middle of it. One person is on one half and the other person is on the other half. The equipment we had was 2 dices me and Afu took turns rolling the dices. What we had to do was challenge each other the first person to fill the whole half of there page wins sadly I didn't win Afu did.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Problem Solving Revision - Tiare
Sajiha read a book with 6003 words in it in 4 weeks. In the first week she read 653 words. In the second week she read 497 words and in the third week she read 1183 words. How many more words did she read in week 4.
What I did to solve this problem was I added 1183,497 and 653 together and I got 2333 so then I added 6003 and 2333 and I got 3670. On week 4 sajiha read 3670 words to finish her book. Today I learned how to solve a revision problems. I was suprised that I could figure out a revision problem. I think this is going to help us with our tests. I am ready for the next revision problem.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
My Personal Passion - Tiare
Here is my DLO about my Personal Passion. It tells you information about me not being distracted when I am with my family and some other stuff that goes with it as well.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Run, Jump and Throw - Tiare
Run, Jump and Throw.
Today Rm 5 did throwing skills with rubber discs and shot put balls that were rubber as well. When I started using the rubber discs it was a new experience for me because I have never used a rubber disc and I have never seen people on T.V use them before. When I started using the rubber balls it wasn't the first time I have used them it was the 6th time I've used them. It was such a fun time using 2 different things such as rubber discs and rubber shot put balls. When you are using rubber discs or any kind of discs always remember not to grip it if you think you are gripping it flip it over and it should fall out of your hands. When you are using rubber shot put balls always remember dirty fingers dirty neck and a clean palm.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
A Respected Leader Richie Mccaw - By Tiare
Here is our DLO about a respected leader. The respected leader that we picked was Richie Mccaw. It gives you information about when he was born who is siblings were and one fact of what we know about him.
How To Keep CyberSafe - By Tiare
Here is my DLO about How To Keep CyberSafe. It gives you 3 tips on how to keep or stay CyberSafe and it gives you information about websites that are bad for you.
Breakfast in School - By Afu and Tiare
LI: To write an informed persuasive argument
Should schools provide breakfast for all New Zealand children? Write your persuasive argument that reflects your point of view (opinion).
Should schools provide breakfast for all New Zealand children?
Begin by writing your opinion. An opinion is stating what you think about your topic. You might like to hook your audience in even more by using a rhetorical question!
I think the government should provide breakfast for schools because children might not have an opportunity to eat before they come to school or because they might not like the food there given. Children need the nutrition in there body to stay healthy and if they did eat breakfast in the morning then they would focus properly on there work at school. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and children shouldn’t have to be going to school without any breakfast.
Begin your next paragraph stating your first reason.
Add at least two bullet points that you will use to support your reason. You can strengthen this point by using examples or facts and statistics.
The reason why I think this is because children struggle when they don’t have any breakfast in the morning and they might be hungry. Children need to have a good start to the day and if that's going to happen then they need to have breakfast before they come to school. If they don’t have any breakfast before they come to school then they won’t be energised or focused on their school work.
Begin your next paragraph stating your second reason.
Add at least two bullet points that you will use to support your reason. You can strengthen this point by using emotive language and groups of three.
The second reason why I think this is because parents can’t afford food for there children and there children have been going to school without any breakfast. When children get to school they can’t think properly
Begin your next paragraph stating your third reason.
Add at least two bullet points that you will use to support your reason. You can strengthen this point repetition and exaggeration.
Lastly, I think that it is a good idea for NZ schools to have breakfast in schools because sometimes you get angry when you don’t eat and the kids won’t be focused.
The children might be in a hurry and might not get to eat there breakfast so that is why the government provide breakfast in schools.
End your writing by restating your opinion. You can strengthen this with a rhetorical question that makes your audience think!
I think that all schools should provide breakfast in schools because 15 percent of children go to school hungry. Missing breakfast makes children lazy and tired and they can’t do there work properly
Rm 5 Rubbish DLO - By Tim and Tiare
Here is Me and Tim's Rm 5 Rubbish DLO. It tells you about how much rubbish we had collected, the most amount of rubbish and the least amount of rubbish.
My Speech - By Tiare
Good Morning Teachers, Girls and Boys,
Today I will be sharing some information about schools banning phones.
Why aren’t we allowed phones at school? Phones should be allowed at school because children might need to call their parents because they might need a ride home.
45% of people say that yes schools should ban phones but 55% of people say no schools should not ban phones.
Students should be able to take their phones to school because students are going into their teens and they need to be able to respond to calls. As they grow older and older they should be able to contact their family if they need help with anything.
What if you lost your phone at school and you needed to call someone to pick you up?
What if someone called you and your phone was in your pocket at school what would happen would your teacher take it away from you?
My opinion is that schools should not ban phones because children might get sick if it was a wet day and they were walking in the rain.
If you disagree with my opinion, think about all the children that walk back and forth from home to school again and again everyday until the holidays come.
When the holidays are finished and they have to go back to school the next day how would that child feel doing the same old routine as before until the next holiday comes.
Maybe if they had a chance they could ask their parents if they weren’t so busy if they were allowed to go on the car to school then they wouldn’t feel so tired all the time from walking to school and back home.
Why should children have to walk to school and back home all the time they should be going home in a car they shouldn’t be walking home by themselves they could get hurt or they might get taken.
Schools should not ban phones because children are only little and they should be able to be picked up by there parents.
Here is my Speech about School banning phones.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Cross Country Fun Run Sponsership - By Tiare
Cross Country: Fun Run
Today rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12. All of those classes went down to Dunkirk Park to do our Fun Run : Cross Country. We had to wait awhile before we started the races it was so much fun I came 6th place. Before Miss Kirkpatrick triggered the blocks she told us before you start put you legs together then when she said get set we had to put one leg in front and the other leg at the back and bend then a little then we she said go we had to run a long way then came to the finished line. It was such a fun run that we did today.
Fun Run,
Panmure Bridge School,
Tiare 2015
Monday, 7 September 2015
Xtramath - By Tiare
Here is my XtraMath race the teacher. When I raced the teacher and finished I got 84 and I felt proud of myself.
My Comment to Evelyn - By Tiare
Here is my comment to Evelyn. She did a great job at working out the answer and she also did a great job at writing down what she had learnt.
My Comment To Tim - By Tiare
Here is my comment to Tim. He put lots of interesting facts about Tongan Language Week and it was so powerful the way he had wrote all of those sentences.
My Comment To Yvette - By Tiare
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Kiwi Sport Run, Jump and Throw - By Tiare
Today Room 5 had Kiwi Sport, Run, Jump, Throw, High Jump and Run Jump. When we arrived at the hall we started off with a game called stuck in the mud and then we started doing High Jump and Run Jump it was so fun learning how to do things that I have never tried before. Everyone participated in the activities very well and that's what made everything so much fun while we were in there. Then when we finished High jump and Run Jump we did something called Scissor Kick what you had to do was lift your legs but as you do it one arm comes up then the other arm follows and your legs are slightly bent.
High Jump and Run Jump By Tiare,
Kiwi Sport Run,
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Current Events - By Tiare and Saruja
Here is me and Saruja's Current Events. It was about a man in California who got some KFC looked in the package and it looked or shaped like a rat with a long tail.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Kiwi Sport - By Tiare
Here is a photo of Room 5 doing Run, Jump and Throw. We learnt a skill called Cheek to Cheek it means that one hand is on your cheek and your other hand is on your bottom Cheek. It was so fun learning about different ways you could run.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
My comment to Juanita - Tiare
Here is my comment that I said to Juanita. She did a really good job at writing her story about paying it forward to there family member which was her mum.
Pay It Forward Homework - Tiare
Rm 5's Homework this week was to pay it forward to a family member. Last night I set the table ready for my family member to eat. My mum was my family member and she felt so happy because she liked the way I had set the table for us ready to eat. I felt really proud of myself because usually my mum would set the table and I wouldn't but maybe this time I could pay it forward to her by setting the table and making her feel relaxed.
This is my little Pay It Forward story about myself setting the table for my mum and making her feel happy that I did it for her.
She was so happy when I had set the table and that was when she felt so relaxed.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Cook Island language Week DLO - Tiare
Here is my Cook Island language week DLO. It tells you about who the prime minister is counting in Cook Island from 1 to 9 and some words in English that are translated in Cook Island.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Speech Marks DLO: Juanita, Afu and Tiare
Here is Juanita, Afu my popplet about speech marks.
It was to help us make a short film about speech marks.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Maori Language Week - Tiare
Here is my Maori Language Week DLO that I created . It tells you about when it is celebrated, Why it is celebrated and has some statistics.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Reading Word Study - Tiare
Here is my reading word study that I did. You will see some interesting words and what it means and some pictures that go with it and some other words of the same meaning for the first word.
Complex Sentence DLO - Tiare
Here is my Complex sentences DLO that I had created. It tells you about a complex sentence, Independent clause and Dependent clause.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Reading Poster: Tiare
Here is my reading poster about Bacteria. Did you know that bacteria is everywhere it is in the air on your hands and even in soil.
Tiare, Saruja, Tim and June- Hauora DLO
Today Saruja, Tim, June and I made a DLO about Hauora. We had to put the four meanings about the four walls, we did meanings about Taha Tinana, Taha Hinengaro, Taha Whanua and Taha Wairua. We also did the meaning of Hauora
Friday, 3 July 2015
Tangaroa: Tiare and Nesi
Here is a poster that me and Nesi had done together. We did this in room 5 with Mrs Anderson she was telling us how to speak in Maori. This is a poster about Tangaroa he is the god of the sea and is the son of Papatuanuku the earth mother and Ranginui the Sky father.
Existing Outcomes: Tiare
Here is my Existing Outcome poster. I had to write what I thought the purpose of each outcome meant and write a reason why I thought what that meant. I did this a at tech with the year 7's in room 6 and from my class
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 Tiare
Here is my our that we did. It tells you about what a simple sentence is a simple sentence has a verb a subject and one main idea. I did this with Saruja and we had done a little conversation to each other talking about what a simple sentence has.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Current Events: Dog dumped off Wairoa bridge: By Saruja and Tiare
Here is my Current Events that I did with Saruja. It tells you about a dog that was dumped off the Wairoa bridge. The dogs name was Charity and Charity's owners have been found but are not quite sure if they were involved in the incident or not .
Persuasive Thinking Popplet: Should NZ change it official flag? : By Tiare
Here is my Persuasive Thinking Popplet that I did with June. It tells you about what we think of the New Zealand flag being changed. June says yes the flag should be changed and I say no the flag should not be changed because it honors the past and the soldiers too.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Ifaketext: Tiare and June
Today we used a website called that I had done with my partner, June. We used this site to fake text each other about our topic "Should we change the NZ flag?" June was asking me some questions and I was answering them, to show my point if view. We both decided that our answer is no.
Tiare and Saruja -
Today we learnt how to use, because for us that was a new website. To work on this website we need to get a partner, so we can talk to each other about our learning. I really like how it works like a mobile phone, because it show all the things that we type. I think this is a cool website for kids, so they can learn some thing new. We really enjoyed by using this website.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Maori Contingent: Saruja, Tim and Tiare
Today Tim,Tiare and I made a poster for men to join the Maori Contingent. In the poster it says, At the top it says that to come and fight for our country. Then below it says that all men are allowed to participate in the war.
Maori Battalion Collage: Saruja, Tim and Tiare

Today I did a collage, about the Maori Battalion. I worked with Saruja and Tiare and we all worked together to form this collage. We have another activity in progress, which I will hopefully be putting it on my blog.
Letter to Editor: Saruja, Tim and TIare
Google Doc
Dear Editor of Maori Battalion. 23/08/1915
Today we would like to ask you some question about WW1.
I hope you know what we are going to say in this letter.
We red your story and it says that brown people are not allowed to fight in WW1. We thought because they are not good at fighting or they won’t focus, so our question is
Why wouldn’t you let the brown people fight in WW1?
Is there a reason why white people won’t let brown people take part in the war?
Why don’t you want all kinds of people participating in war?
We think it is not fair for native people like brown people to be digging out trenches while other soldiers fight for their country. We think all people should have the right to fight for their country.
Waikato people and the Taranaki people had the right to disagree of taking part in the war.
We think that because the government took away their land, so we think it is fair to disagree.
We feel like brown people altogether that should’ve been involved in the war. We hope you agree with our opinions
Your Sincerely,Saruja, Tim and Tiare
Today Tim, Tiare and I, did a letter to the editor. We have stated our opinions and we hopefully didn't do it in a negative way, we just felt like stating our opinions and why brown people had to dig our trenches instead of fighting for their country or our country. Brown people are also known as native people.
Tim, Saruja and Tiare Maori Battalian Timeline
Today Tiare, Tim and I, did a timeline on Maori Battalion. We went from 5th August, 1914 to 25 April 1915. We talked about being sended to Egypt, and when Britain declares war against Germany thats when it all started.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Here is my Xtramath that I had did. I had raced the teacher on this one and got 62 answers correct. Some of them were quite tricky so I just tried to remember the answers in my head that way I good get the correct answer throughout the race with the teacher.
Maori Numbers
Here is my Maori Numbers. It tells you about numbers but maori numbers I will give you an example of what maori numbers they showed me to answer: Tekau + Rua = Tekau ma Rua. The part I found challenging was answering the answers that was most trickiest because they were maori numbers that you had to answer.
Friday, 29 May 2015
Flash Tables
Here is my Flash Tables. You have to answer them quickly an example: 3 x 6 = 18 you can't type it in you have to think of what it is and see if you get it correct.
Table Conga
Here is my Tables Conga that I have done. You had to do it in your seven's like 7 14 21 28 you had to do that until you got up to a certain number like 70.
Graham Dodd Art
Art with Graham Dodd
On Wednesday 4th of march 2015 the senior people were getting ready to go to the hall but we had to bring a sketching pencil a book to lean on and some coloring pencils. When we got to the hall we met Mr Graham Dodd it looked like he was a really famous artist because he gave us all a piece of paper with some lines that he drew to go over with. When we started he took us step by step because he thought he would find it easier for us to do it that way. It was fun because we were shading colours light to dark or dark to light. When people were working on their art some rude people were being silly and not listening they were just talking while Mr Graham Dodd was trying to teach us the next step but when Mr Wong came over they stopped talking then Mr Graham Dodd could start talking again. When we were done he told us to start coloring in our piece of artwork. When we finished coloring in our artwork most of the people had to wait until some other people were finished. I think everyone enjoyed doing art with Mr Graham Dodd because we learnt how to shade colours and to draw things like waka’s fish and english man ships.
Here is my recount about art with Graham Dodd. It tells you what we did with him and how he was a very famous artist.
Challenge by Choice
Here is my challenge by choice brochure. It shows some photo's, how everyone enjoyed there time and what my favorite activity was and why.
Graphics and Technology
Here is my Graphics and Technology things that I had done at tech.
Current Events
Here is my Current Events. It tells you about a 16 year old girl who had a very smelly birthday and some information to.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Current Events
Here is my Currents Events. It tells you information about a girl that just turned 16 who had a very smelly birthday party with 40 guests. It became to be a day of raining toilet waste from an aeroplane that had disposed it's toilet waste.
Monday, 25 May 2015
Here is my 6 times tables that I did in 40 seconds. At first when I practiced doing it I got it wrong even on my third try I got it wrong but when I tried it my fourth which was the last time I tried I got all of it correct.
Friday, 22 May 2015
History Of Cars: Tiare
Here is my poster of cars. It tells you things about cars and what made cars move and even tells you what heavy vehicles were used for.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Thank You Letter To Luka for Camp - Tiare
Dear Luka
Thank you for getting everything organised for me and the group. I would also like to thank you for encouraging me and the group in activities and helping us whenever we felt nervous when showing something new that we have never done before. I think you were the best instructor I’ve ever had at camp and has also been a privilege for you to help me and the group do things we couldn’t do before. I would like to give you another big thank you for putting all your effort into organising everything for me and the group. I wish me and the group had one more day with you Luka.
Your Sincerely,
My letter is to Luka, who went to camp with the Yr 7-8's and helped us a lot. Luka was also in my activity group, and helped my group out alot. I am really happy that we had Luka in our group.
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