
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The grand opening of the Junior playground. By Tiare

on friday there was a junior playground opening on friday the juniors done the kapa haka group and when all of the juniors had finished they would get a prize.

My Xtramath quiz

I think I did do good this time but get some smile faces instead of ticks but I did do good enough this time and try my best next time and get heaps of smile faces for when I try my Xtramath quiz and get heaps and heaps of smile faces.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

My Xtra math quiz

I think I need to do much better then this.

My Civil war poster

This is my civil war poster My partner was Tiare. It was fun finding more information on civil war and putting pictures on.  We were playing with the colours but we out to much colour into it and it looked like a rainbow. We finnaly  finished it yesterday and we said "yay we're done" and my teacher Miss Paton printed it out and now it's going on the wall to display and everyone will see it.  I done one page and tiare done one page we both done colours on our piece that we done.  It was fun learning with tiare we learned heaps.

Monday, 15 April 2013

My xtramath quiz

I think I did good but got one wrong and I have to try better next time.

Friday, 12 April 2013

The Red Poppy

Today Mrs Eeles read the class a story about the Red Poppy. The men in the story were called Jim and Karl. I was Karl and Linda was Jim. Jessie was the one who was helping me and Jane was watching Jessie helping me. I think my group was good because we were so still and didn't move in our freeze frame.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My Xtramath results by tiare

I think I am getting better at doing my Xtramath results and try to get some smile faces if i do Xtramath results.

My Xtra math results.

I think I did better then before and put a lot of effort in to my work.

My math magician quiz

I think I did a nice job of doing my math magician.

My Xtramath quiz

I think I have to do better at doing my Xtramath quiz.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My Andy Warhol art reflection

Reflecting on my Andy Warhol themed portrait

1. Are you pleased with your Andy Warhol themed portrait? why / why not?
Yes because I put a lot of effort to it.

2. What did you find easy when you created your portrait.
I found tracing using a black marker easy because I only had to trace over my face. There was a pencil outline to guide me.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your portrait? -think about tracing round your face, outlining your face using a black marker pen, dabbing areas using the dye, dying the background. 
Dying within the lines and trying not to smudge my work.

4. Who / What helped you when you were creating your portrait?
Jasmine helped me do my Andy Warhol artwork

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: tracing around your face, features on your face, dabbing the dye colours, colour choice, photograph, time management skills.
I would like to do dying more better so that it doesn’t smudge.

6. What frustrated you when you created your Andy Warhol themed artwork? 
I was frustrated by dabbing the colours over my portrait because you have to do it within the lines and make no smudges.

My Civil War Timeline by Tiare

Monday, 8 April 2013

My math magician quiz by tiare

I think i did good this time and tryed my best for you to see and i am happy when i get 100.

My Xtra math quiz

I think i didn't do good this time but next time i will do better