This is my xtramath results I hope you like it because I tryed my best to get all of them right in my xtra math results
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
My math magician results by Tiare
This is my math magician results and I hope you like it because I got 95% and I hope you like it because I tryed my best to get a 100% but I got 95% I hope you like it.
Monday, 9 September 2013
My math whizz results by tiare
This is my math whizz results I attempted excersises 46 attempted tests 37 progressions 30 ave excersise mark 85% helps 111 ave test mark 71% I hope you like what you have seen in my math whizz results.
Friday, 6 September 2013
My production Goals by Tiare
Production Goals
How to move from an OK performance to a Very Good Performance Move from being ZERO to HERO
* Talk slower - EVERYONE
* Look at the audience when we are speaking and acting out our parts
* Use more expression
* Don’t get distracted by the people behind- Cyprus, Thomas, Patrick, Linda, Fine, Angel, Jharda’e, Samantha, Oh S’mar, Jasmine, Jason
* Know the timing off by heart
* Talk louder - Fine, Angel,
* Be confident don’t be shy
* When you hear your cue- act on it.
* Look not laugh when someone makes a mistake
Don’t giggle when someone is acting
* Bodies facing audience, but also looking at the actor beside you - include your audience
* Don’t get distracted when you’re back stage
* Use some actions when you’re talking
* Get ready back stage
* Spread out those who are flowers, mountains, fish,
* Don’t let your class down
* Put lots of effort into the class performance
* Take your role seriously
* Leave other people alone
* Concentrate on your part
* Try and make the performance real
I think I need to work on not laughing when someone makes a mistake.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
My quiz news results by Tiare
I hopen you like what you see because I scored a 100% in my quiz news results and I hope that you like it because I tryed my best to get 100% and I did and I am so happy that I new I could do it so comment me please and I hope you like it very much because I tryed my best to get 100% and comment and i hope you like it very much so enjoy and comment me.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
My art Reflection by Tiare
1. Are you pleased with your painting? why / why not?
Yes because I did really good in my work, because I stayed inside the lines.
2. What did you find easy when you created your painting?
I found it easy to mix colours together and paint them in each section.
3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your painting? -think about painting, ruling up the grid, measuring, using the co-ordinates, etc.
I found it tricky to paint in the small lines, I also found it hard to drawing the grid lines.
4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Jasmine and Lavinia helped me draw and measure up my grid lines. Miss Nichol and Miss Paton helped me mix up my paints.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling up, etc.
Next time I would use a different colour because I would like my painting to be more colourful next time.
6. What frustrated you when you created your painting?
I got frustrated because it was hard using a thick brush and keeping it steady.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
My math whizz results by Tiare
This is my math whizz results I attempted 91 Exercises I attempted 75 tests 68 progressions 88% Exercise mark 100 helps and 74 test marks, so I hope you like what you have seen from my math whizz results hope you enjoy.
Friday, 2 August 2013
My Holiday Story
On Sunday During the holidays I went to the Warehouse with my nan. I went with my nan to the Warehouse to get me some new shoes. It was really good because it was fun trying to pick my shoes but I couldn’t make up my mind so I got some black and white shoes.
When I got my black and white shoes and I felt so happy that they were so comfortable. After I got my shoes my nan and I went to get some butter chicken for food. It was so yummy that I wanted some more butter chicken.
When my nan and I finished our butter chicken we went back home to get ready for church. After church was finished my nan and I went home and thought about dinner my nan and I thought about having mcdonalds so we went to mcdonalds and brought back the food it was a big day.
After we brought the food back my nan and I ate our mcdonalds and after that me and my nan had a sleep on the bed because it was a very big day for me and my nan because we went to the Warehouse, church and then mcdonalds so it was a very big day so after our big sleep we got up and watched television.
The End.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Should Panmure.Bridge.School. have a cafeteria?
Should Panmure.Bridge.School. have a cafeteria?
I believe that Panmure Bridge School should have a cafeteria because there can be healthy food, it can save time and save money.
Firstly, cafeteria food can be healthier food more than the supermarket foods, in the cafeteria the cafeteria can sell things like sandwiches, salads and fruits. I also believe that Panmure Bridge School should have a cafeteria because cafeteria food is good, it is good for your health and it is fresh for you. Some children might be a little overweight and health foods in school could be a good way to address this issue.
Secondly, It is quicker than buying your lunch, you can buy it at school in the cafeteria so you don’t have to waste time in the morning making your lunch or buying junk food, for example if you’re making lunch at home and your school has a cafeteria you don’t need to waste your time making it. You can just go to school wait until morning tea or lunch time and you can just buy some lunch instead of wasting your time, your foods will also be a lot fresher and better for you.
Thirdly, If you have a cafeteria at school it can save your parents lots of money and the school can also make lots of money as well. If your parents give you some money to pay for your food students wouldn't waste time making their lunch at home and hopefully this would make them on time for school.
This is why I believe Panmure Bridge School should have a cafeteria, because it’s healthy, it’s saves money for the school and your parents and you don’t have to waste time making your lunch at home. Hopefully my main ideas will persuade you to want to grow up healthy and strong and eat healthy foods as much as you can.
Monday, 8 July 2013
My math whizz results by Tiare
I hope you like what I have done because I done 16 attempted Exercises 8 attempted tests 7 progressions 78% ave.Exercise mark 17 helps and 75% ave test mark so i hope you like it because I tryed to get higher but i didn't I got up to nothing just 0.10 but half way to because I was on nothing so I hope you like it because i tryed my best to get higher.
Friday, 5 July 2013
My xtra math results by Tiare
- This is my xtra math and I hope you like it because I tryed my best but I got 4 ticks 11 wrong and 29 right so I hope you like it because i tryed my best no to get any tick no wrong and just get smile faces I hope you enjoy what you have seen from my xtra math.
Monday, 1 July 2013
My math whizz results by Tiare
I think I didn't do well thi week because I only got 7 attempted exercises 3 attempted tests 3 progressions 91 Ave. Exercise mark 19 helps and 67 Ave test mark I hope you like it because I tryed my best to do it so I hope you like it.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
This is my still image of Jim from treasure planet using his flying wind surf board by Tiare
This is my still image from a boy or a man named Jim with a flying surf board and comes from treasure planet in room 5 we are pretending to be Jim on his flying surf board holding on to something I hope you like it
My News Quiz Results by Tiare
During the past 8 weeks I have been completing the quizzes but getting some low numbers like 40%, 30% or lower. Then I was improving and getting 100% but sometimes getting low scores. This week I have scored 100%
My current events week 8 quiz by Tiare
This is my current events week 8 quiz chart I got 100% with my partner Tim I hope you like what I have improved in my quiz chart I hope you like it.
Monday, 24 June 2013
My rubric doing jessie by Tiare
The Speech Competition Rubric
Assessor: ____________Tiare_____________ Performer: _____________Jessie_______________
Please give honest feedback to your chosen performer. They will work on the feedback you give.
| |
Not using any expression at all in the speech. Sounds like a robot. Does not use the punctuation. Words do not flow
Using some expression for certain parts of the speech. Reverts back in sounding li
ke a robot in some places.
Uses expression in most areas, but not all. Starting to make voice go high and low in certain parts. Starting to get into the role and use punctuation.
Uses expression throughout the speech. Making voice go high and low in all parts.
Opens mouth wide so that words flow.
Loud clear voice
Reads in a very soft voice e.g. whisper. May mumble during speech. Words / sentences are very unclear and may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in some parts, but may revert back to soft / mumbling voice. Not all words / sentences may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in most parts, but may mumble, or speak softly in 1-2 sentences / words. Most words are understood by the audience.
Projects voice throughout the performance. Voice is loud and clear. Every word / sentence is understood by the audience.
Eye Contact
The performer refers to the speech / cue cards during for the entire contest. No eye contact given to the audience
The performer refers to the speech cue cards for some parts. The performer looks at the audience during some parts of the speech contest.
The reader looks at the audience and gives eye contact to the audience most of the time.
Eye contact is given throughout the contest. The performer gives eye contact to the audience during the entire speech contest.
Knowledge of the speech
Reads directly from the cue cards. Strongly relies off the cue cards during the contest. Does not know speech very well. Loses own place regularly and relies off cue cards.
Knows some parts of the speech, but is still reliant on the cue cards. Follows the text for most parts. Still reliant on cue cards to get through the contest. May lose place.
Knows most parts of the speech off by heart.
Follows the text.
Could easily perform the speech without the cue cards.
Knows the speech off by heart. Memorized the speech.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
My kiwi kids quiz results by Tiare
This is how well I did this week on the quiz I did better than last week and i hope i get a 100 % next week i hope you like it.
My liquid picture for drama:Tiare
This is my liquid picture where I am the robot Lani is the alien and Jhada'e was the flying car in liquid picture I hope you like what Jharda'e Lani and Me done.
Monday, 17 June 2013
My math whizz results by Tiare
This is my math whizz results and i moved a little bit from where i was before when i was a short cut through going to higher levels each time so i hope you like it because i tryed my best to get way more to move but I only moved a little bit.
Friday, 14 June 2013
My xtra math results by Tiare
I think that i done well because i tryed my best to do my subtraction because i was only on my progress quiz and i hope you like it because i tryed my best to get all of them right but i got some wrong in my progress quiz so i hope you like it and please make shall that i tryed my best that i got 4 ticks 1 time out 10 smile faces and 16 wrong so i hope you like it and i think i done well.
Monday, 10 June 2013
My Math Whizz results by tiare
This is my math whizz results.
I think that I tryed my best to go far but I didn't so I think I did well today with my math whizz results because I hope you like it very much how much I moved because I tryed my best to move spaces in my math whizz results.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
My Xtra Maths Results By Tiare
This is my Xtra Maths Results i got 10 wrong next time I would like to get all of the questions right none wrong.
Friday, 31 May 2013
My results on math whizz by tiare
I got 30 from my star that says 30 and I hope you like it because I said that I wuld get 30 next time and I did because I tryed my best on trying to get to 30 and I did like I said I was going to get 30 so I hope you like it because I tryed my best to get 30 and I hope that you would comment me on my math whizz results that you are looking at so comment please because I wish you should so I hope you enjoy it.
My maths whizz results on how much I scored by tiare
This is my score that I got off math whizz and I got 15 points from the star and I hope you like it because I tryed my best to get to 30 but I didn't nt this time because I alreally got 15 points and I can't chage it to 30 because I alrealldy played the math whizz game so I hope you like it because I tryed my best to get to 30 but I didn't but I hope next time I will get 30 or more than 30 but that will be what I get because It can be number that you get and you can't chage so I really hope that you like it.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
My sumdog results by tiare
This is my sumdog results and i hope you like it because i tryed my best to come first but someone called jhardae came first because is fast and i can't beat her but neaxt time i will try to come first and beat jhardae just not this time becuase i alreally came first in my results that you are looking at
My sumdog results by tiare
This is my smdog results and i hope you like that i came second because i almost come first but i came second because i didin;t make it
Drama:By Tiare
Last week for drama with my teacher Mrs Eeles we done sounding track it was called Spaceship Landing. I need to get better at not being shy. I was good at not laughing
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
My Xramaths results on subtraction progress quiz by tiare
I think i done good but I got 8 wrong,1 tick and I got 39 smile faces I hope you like it because I tryed my best to do what I can get right for my subtraction progress quiz so I hope you like it for what I done because I tryed my best to do well and I hope you like it.
My argument on should we wear a school uniform.
Should we wear a school uniform?
I believe we should wear a school uniform at Panmure Bridge School.I think we should have to wear a uniform as it shows respect for our school and makes us look proud and very smart. We have a wonderful uniform to walk around in and show how proud we are to attend Panmure bridge.
My uniform is very special to me, I wear it proudly and this is why I think we should wear a school uniform because it represents yourself as you are walking to school, as not all people will recognize our school and will know where we come from if we were wearing mufti. I like wearing my uniform at Panmure bridge school because it is a lot of fun.
As we wear the same outfit day after day I feel we are all dressed as equals, meaning we don’t have to waste time in the morning deciding what to wear each day. Its already been decided for us. Instead of spending money on mufti clothes that will wear quickly from day to day activities you would only have to spend money on a summer and winter uniform saving your parents money and time.
Even though your uniform can get smelly and sweaty as you wear it everyday, it is easier to have spares then rely on wearing mufti everyday. Mufti creates competition between students. It increases the issue of stealing, and jealousy. I think you should never wear your home clothes to Panmure Bridge as people you would be upset if they got ruined especially if they were your new clothes. I think that this addresses the issues of stealing and the idea to be kind towards others as we are all equals at school. Instead of being judged by the way we dress we will all be the same.
Sadly wearing a uniform also increases the chance of people wanting to steal your uniform, it is not good to do that so don’t steal. Because it wouldn’t be nice to take someone elses uniform, especially if it is brand new. I think if you say “stop it I don’t like it” and they carry on trying to bully you and make you scared, they will try and take what you have to get what they want. They don’t care about you and this will leave you very sad and that is just mean, this is an example of how wearing mufti can create bullying and jealous situations. Your clothes can easily be stolen by somebody in your class but also can be taken by mistake if your uniform gets mixed up by mistake.
Monday, 27 May 2013
My xtra math progress quiz by tiare
I think that i done well but o got 9 wrong 3 ticks and 41 smile faces i hope that you like it and comment to me please so do comment some time when you are allowed so do comment me
My math whizz of finising my work by tiare
This is my math whizz of finishing my work hope you enjoy my working hard on my math whizz so comment me when you want to because that will mean a lot to me so comment
Friday, 24 May 2013
My subtraction quiz on Xtra math by tiare
i got 4 ticks and 12 wrong but most os all i got 33 smile faces i hope you like it because i tryed my best for what i done so enjoy what i said to you and comment to me some time if you want so yeah bye now and comment some time to me if you like it.
Monday, 20 May 2013
My subtraction quiz of my xtra math by tiare
This is my subtraction quiz on my
xtra math.
so this is my story i got
5 ticks in my quiz
10 wrong and
28 smile faces i hope you
classes like it and enjoy my
story that your reading
and have a lot of fun reading.
My subtraction of xtra math by Tiare
This is my subtraction that i done so
I hop you like it so i got 1 tick
15 wrong and
27 smile faces i hope you would
enjoy my story and have fun reading it
so bye.
I hop you like it so i got 1 tick
15 wrong and
27 smile faces i hope you would
enjoy my story and have fun reading it
so bye.
My comment to Leenas by Tiare
This is my comment to Leenas i hope you like what i sayed cause i really like the picture of yvette jhardae angel and you Leenas it is really nice and use look awsome in that photo hope you like it.
My math whizz results:Tiare
This is my results on math whizz
This is my results on Maths Whizz. Me and my class are aiming to stay on Maths Whizz for at least 60 minutes
Friday, 17 May 2013
My results on my xtra math quiz by tiare
This is my xtra math quiz and i got no ticks none wrong but 67 smile faces i hope you classes like how i got none wrong thanks
My result on my xtra math by tiare
This is my xtra math quiz cause i got 39 smile faces i hope all of use like it very much and enjoy it thank you
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Monday, 13 May 2013
My xtra math results by tiare
My xtra math results by tiare
I hope you like that i got 11 smile faces but next time will try and more smile faces next time if i try
My xtra math results by tiare
I got 9 wrong 2 ticks and 41 smile faces i hope that i done well hope you all like my xtramath results.
Friday, 10 May 2013
my xtra math results by tiare
I got 5 wrong no ticks and 55 smile faces oh i hope i done well and get some more smile faces next time when play xtra math hope you liked it
My xtra math results by tiare
This is my xtra math results hope you like my story i got 1 tick 8 wrong and 51 right hope all of you classes like it
Thursday, 9 May 2013
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